Education Infrastructure

Providing Safe and Conducive Learning Environment

We seek to partner with Government and other community education stakeholders towards improving education facilities and learning environments in disadvantaged public schools.

The Needs & Challenges

Schools surveys reported by the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report 2017/8 show that infrastructure shortages often hinder learning in countries at all income levels, particularly in disadvantaged schools.

One of the available data on the state of education infrastructure in Nigeria estimated that 75% of public basic schools infrastructure in some States in Nigeria are in poor condition (ESSPIN, 2009). In non-urban areas particularly, the situation is worse with many of these schools failing to meet current minimum requirements for a safe and comfortable learning environment.

Our Goals

We seek to support current efforts by pursing the following goals:

  • Construction and renovation of classrooms and sanitation facilities
  • Improving access and quality of basic sanitation facilities
  • Enhance school administration through construction and renovation of school offices

Our Approach

Partnering towards Education Development

Our approach is an integrated one that seeks to partner with relevant stakeholders and work within existing global, national and local framework and plans such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This in itself is Goal 17 of the SDGs.

Our key initiatives largely fall under Goal 4 of the SDGs. Our education infrastructure initiatives fit within sub-goal 4A (i.e. Education facilities and learning environments) while our scholarship programme fits within  sub-goal 4B (i.e. Scholarships).

Through our community-based approach, we hope to supplement larger efforts by other key stakeholders and contribute our quota to the advancement of qualitative education in Nigeria.

OSJ Foundation in Action

Visit our Project page for more information on some of our completed and ongoing interventions in selected schools and communities. The page also displays "before" and "after" as well as other general photos of some of the Foundation's project activities. Click the button below.

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